Bus Stop/Kassel kerb


Bus Stop/Kassel Kerbs are designed to provide a safe and accessible platform for passengers boarding and alighting from buses. Our precast concrete bus stop kerbs are built for strength, durability, and precision, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for public transportation infrastructure.

With their unique profile and dimensions, these kerbs facilitate smooth and efficient bus operations, improving accessibility for passengers with mobility challenges. They also enhance the overall aesthetics of the bus stop area, creating a distinct and organised space for commuters.

Suitable for both urban and suburban settings, our Bus Stop/Kassel kerbs come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different bus types and roadway conditions.

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SKU: KKB Category:


Precast Concrete, Bus Stop Kerb, Safe, Accessible, Platform, Passengers, Strength, Durability, Precision, Reliable, Long-lasting, Public Transportation Infrastructure, Unique Profile, Smooth Operations, Accessibility, Aesthetics, Urban, Suburban, Variety of Sizes, Different Bus Types, Roadway Conditions.

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